E3/4 is out! 🚀

What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out!

  • The new liveVideoTimeoutSeconds parameter enables users to set the amount of time a live video plays before ending automatically.

  • Three upcoming changes to the Surfisght API may impact your use of the service: 

    1. The â€‹â€‹password​ parameter in the â€‹recordingEncryption​​ object returned in the ​GET /organizations/{orgId}/default-settings​​ call has been removed.

    2. When a user attempts to create a virtual event with the ​ POST /devices/{imei}/virtual-event​​ call for a device to which they don’t have access, a 404 not found error is now returned regardless of the dashcam status.

    3. Responses for the ​GET /devices/{imei}data-usage​​ call are now for the current month.​

      Some data previously included in the response object has been removed.

      The ​twilioFleet​ response object is renamed ​mobileProvider​​.

Read all about this release’s new features, enhancements, and the bugs we fixed in the Developer portal changelog.

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